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our team



Kenny Sims & Doriane Parker-Sims

Pastor Doriane Parker-Sims is the Co-Founder and Senior leader of Kingdom Life Church.  Elder Kenny Sims serves on the Executive Leadership Team as well as oversees the audio/visual and translation ministry.



Regina Brookens

Regina Brookens serves as a Board Member and an Executive Leader at Kingdom Life Ministries.  Her ministry area of responsibility is Pastoral Care.  Pastoral Care is a team of Leaders, Ministers, and Intercessors who connect with those in need of prayer, encouragement, and visits on behalf of Pastor Daniel & Lady Valarie Parker and Elder Kenny & Pastor Doriane Parker-Sims.  The team ministers to those who have a loss of a loved one, having surgery, on a medical journey, as well as those members who are sick & shut-in. Sis. Regina also is a Sunday school teacher.  She has been married for 20 years to Deacon Patrick Brookens and they have 5 children. The Brookens have been members of Kingdom Life Ministries for 10 years.

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    Daniel Parker

Pastor Daniel J. Parker is the Co-Founder and COO

of Kingdom Life Church.  



Venita Sarvis

Minister Venita Sarvis serves on the Executive Leadership Team as an Executive Minister, teacher and intercessor at Kingdom Life.  Minister Venita also volunteers in the ministry of helps and is a founding member of Kingdom Life. 

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 Marcia Boatman

Dr. Marcia Boatman serves as a Minister for Kingdom Life, an intercessor, teacher, creative writer and spoken word artist. She also participates in the prison ministry through Stations of Hope.  Minister Marcia has written and directed the Truth About Heaven and Hell dramatic presentation which has been instrumental to lead hundreds into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Minister Marcia is also the founder of the KLM Mime Ministry.  



Mary Beth Parker

Minister Mary Beth Parker is a founding member of Kingdom Life Ministries.  She is currently Church Administrator, Building Operations Manager, Executive Minister and Teacher of the Word of God.

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Preston Parker

Elder Preston Parker is an Executive Leader at Kingdom Life. He works with the Benevolence department and oversees the Deacons of KLM.  He continues to perform works of service in full-time ministry.  

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Bonita Agee


Minister Bonita Agee serves on the Executive Leadership Team for Kingdom Life. She is a co-leader over the Touch Point Member Center (TPMC) at KLM.  This member ministry creates welcoming experiences through quality new membership classes as well as social events.  The primary focus is on bringing innovative ways to bring member engagement as a part of the church's overall mission. 



Lisa Knight

Minister Lisa Knight serves on the Executive Leadership Team in the area of the Arts department which includes dramatic productions, dance and mime.  Minister Lisa has written, produced and directed the Truth About Heaven and Hell for KLM.  The dramatic presentation has been instrumental in seeing hundreds make a decision to serve Christ.

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Victor Hardy

Minister Victor Hardy is an Executive Minister and co-leader over the KLM Membership Ministry (TPMC), which stands for Touch Point Member Center. In this role, Minister Vic is responsible to help the church welcome, incorporate and keep both new and established members as part of the church’s overall mission.

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DaleDale Bell

Elder Dale Bell is on the Executive Leadership team and serves at as Minister of Music, plays lead guitar for the KLM Band and oversees the Music Department. Elder Bell is married to Sis. Jackie Bell and is a devout husband, father and grandfather.

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